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launch missiles

🔮 Hydrogen Sensing

Source: Frontiers in Sustainability, 21 January 2021


Hydrogen - A Promising Future Fuel

Use of hydrogen becomes much prevalent in oil industry, material handling, backup power generation and transportation

Why Hydrogen Pressure Sensor Matters?

🌟 Safety - a MUST concern!
🌟 Hydrogen must be handled with care
🌟 Avoid fatality caused by hydrogen permeation and embrittlement
🌟 New certifications and qualifications being mandated for safe use and storage of hydrogen

Key Features I-GLAZ Technology

🌟 MEMs-Based Bulk Silicon Piezo-Resistive Pressure Sensing
🌟 Inorganic Bonding Process of Silicon to Stainless Steel, Titanium, or Nickel / Cobalt Alloys
🌟 Digital Signal Compensated
🌟 One Piece Structure
🌟 Non-welded, No Oil-filled and No Internal O-Ring

Why I-GLAZ Matters?

🌟 Part of compliance to TUV, UL, CSA standards involves media compatibility
🌟 Effects of hydrogen permeability and embrittlement must be tackled
🌟 Sensor material needs to be correctly selected to ensure long and trouble-free service in hydrogen

Tackling Hydrogen Embrittlement

🌟Austenitic steels (e.g. 316L) with low carbon content are well suited to avoid hydrogen embrittlement
🌟 Other factors that make 316L the ideal material for pressure sensors: Molybdenum
🧡 High nickel content
🧡 High stacking fault energy


🔮 工艺 - Avery Instrument Limited(AVERY)的压力传感器向原始购买者提供有限的一年保修期。AVERY将免费更换或修理任何有缺陷的传感器。此保修不适用于已经被修改、滥用、忽视或安装在应用超过已发布额定值的单位;标签丢失、损坏或在退还时无法辨认的情况。
安装/应用 - 购买者负责传感器与介质的兼容性、功能适用性以及正确的安装。